Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Life is too short to be miserable. That is my profound thought of the month. It's been a month of reorganizing my priorities, trying to figure what's important to me, and then changing my life to fit those priorities.

I heard a church sermon a couple weeks back that really got me thinking about this issue. It was about material possessions and how so many of us live to work and work to make money and make money to buy more and more possessions - most of the stuff we don't even need. We're always striving to get more, buy bigger, live larger. But that's not what this life is about. The pastor that Sunday said something that really stuck with me - "Focus your attention on the things that really matter - the treasures that you can take with you - and there are only two - God and other people." I've always been pretty other-focused (well at least up until the past couple of months) but I think that was more my personality than really taking that perspective on the whole situation.

So I'm really making an effort now to focus my attention on those two things - God and other people. I've even taken some pretty drastic measures, but honestly, my life is miserable if I'm not focused on those two things and at 22, it's way too early in life to be miserable. So what's my point in all of this? It might be scary to give up things that we consider important to us, but if you're happy - do something about it! Take a risk! It'll be worth it in the end and if it's meant to be, God will stand beside you through the whole thing so you have nothing to fear.