Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I wanted to take a few seconds. A few seconds out of my life to reflect on amazing people. Sounds silly huh? Perhaps it is, but in the process of moving, transitioning into adulthood, and just living life, I have encountered, befriended, fell in love with, some pretty AMAZING people. I could list their names here, make sure they get the proper recognition, but a part of what makes them so great is that you don't want that. Your acts of love and service so often go unnoticed and that's exactly how they want it.

I strive to live my life like them. I strive to return their love and kindness. Strive as I might, there is no way to repay them for everything they've done for me. I am not used to having people like this in my life. Don't get me wrong....when I lived in Iowa, I encountered nice people. I had/have friends from back there. But when it came to me leaving, there were only a handful of people who stood out above the rest. However, after being in Holland for 3 years, I am overwhelmed by the amount of amazingly amazing, stellar people I have in my life. It honestly brings me to tears as I reflect on the joy these people have brought to my life. Whether it was helping me move, coming to visit me after a bad day, taking an hour out of their day just to talk to me, writing a recommendation for me even though I know their list of things to do is absolutely ginormous! Whatever the task, they've done it, with a smile on their face and for that I shall be eternally grateful.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is 1) People in Michigan... are great! 2) I appreciate and love each and everyone of you so much 3) I need to figure out a way to repay all of the generosity of greatness I've encountered and 4) God has blessed me far more than I deserve.

1 comment:

tamara kay said...

that is what you are to me. amazing! i miss and love you!! let me know how you are ASAP.

always praying,