Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Bucket List

Wow.. it's been forever!! I am going to be better about posting on here.. now that I have the internet it's a tad bit easier.

Anyway... I went to see the Bucket List tonight. SUCH a good movie. Right up my alley... sappy, sad, comical, deep, philisophical, all wrapped up into one. Thought-provoking - made me think about everything I hope to accomplish before I die. Above everything else, I hope that I don't die alone. Recently a woman died at my workplace. As sad as it was, it was more of a heart-wrenching blessing. Her husband of 72 years had died about two months ago. The woman didn't know how to live without him and didn't want to either. She left his earth to be with him in Heaven... exactly how she wanted it. I want that... someone to share my bucket list with and who will be there when I leave this world. God will provide :)

A great quote from the movie b/c we all know how much I love quotes :)

"You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you. "

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