Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Power of Words

So I've just been having a rough time of it lately... just with work, the future, the horrible weather. None of them excuses to be in a bad mood and I hate that I've let them all get the best of me, but I'm slowly overcoming that. rough time has brought a lot of insecurities, a lot of questioning about things. It's just one of those situations in which you pray that your abilities and your efforts aren't going unnoticed, even though you feel like they are because you rarely hear anything positive.

Well my prayers were completed answered last night. At the perfect time, when I needed it the most, I was taken aside last night and was given some pretty incredible comments.. completely unnecessary, completely unexpected, but a HUGE confidence booster. I couldn't stop smiling last night just thinking about it. And the best part, is they came from someone who didn't even know my struggles - who barely even knows me.

So what's my point in telling you this story??? Give people compliments. If they've done something to touch your life or have changed you in some way, tell them! Don't let those things go unsaid because your positive comments may change THEIR life. The power of words is incredible. Words are better than any material position someone can get.

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