Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Life is too short to be miserable. That is my profound thought of the month. It's been a month of reorganizing my priorities, trying to figure what's important to me, and then changing my life to fit those priorities.

I heard a church sermon a couple weeks back that really got me thinking about this issue. It was about material possessions and how so many of us live to work and work to make money and make money to buy more and more possessions - most of the stuff we don't even need. We're always striving to get more, buy bigger, live larger. But that's not what this life is about. The pastor that Sunday said something that really stuck with me - "Focus your attention on the things that really matter - the treasures that you can take with you - and there are only two - God and other people." I've always been pretty other-focused (well at least up until the past couple of months) but I think that was more my personality than really taking that perspective on the whole situation.

So I'm really making an effort now to focus my attention on those two things - God and other people. I've even taken some pretty drastic measures, but honestly, my life is miserable if I'm not focused on those two things and at 22, it's way too early in life to be miserable. So what's my point in all of this? It might be scary to give up things that we consider important to us, but if you're happy - do something about it! Take a risk! It'll be worth it in the end and if it's meant to be, God will stand beside you through the whole thing so you have nothing to fear.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I found this today... something I had written back in high school. I liked it... so I'm posting it :)

Advanced Writing
Descriptive Essay April 14, 2003
The heat of the bright sun beats down upon this small portion of the world. It’s as though this is the only place the sun is shining. It’s slowly waking everything in it’s path from winter slumber. All around, signs of change can be seen and soon the old will make way for the new.
Scattered throughout, trees stretch out their branches to greet the sun. The light glistens off the freshly sprouted leaves, making them glow of bright yellow. And in the center of this small world, a giant towers over the earth, protecting God’s creatures. It casts a shadow which shades all from the violent rays of the sun. More importantly, it acts as a shelter, a home to many feathered and furred friends. Each tree is beautiful in it’s own way, but in the distance, the most beautiful of them all stands. Though small in size, it’s red-tinted leaves attract everything around it. There is nothing surrounding it, as though it’s put on display for all to see.
Barely a noise can be heard, but the gentle wind, whispering to the world. It’s as though it’s telling a story. Gently the birds reply with a sweet whistle, as though to let the wind know it’s being heard. Soon the squirrels join in as well and a conversation has begun. It’s as though they all know what’s to come and are sharing the news with everyone. Their quiet conversation is soon interrupted by the buzzing of a lawn mower. Yet it does not seem to faze them and they carry on.
Soon, the aroma of freshly-cut grass fills the air. The wind also carries with it the scent of burning leaves, a smell familiar with summer. And as the smells blend together, they bring back memories of the past and make me look forward to what’s to come. Within weeks, fresh lilacs will bloom, filling the air with their sweet aroma. There is no greater scent than that of summer.
And for this moment, as I sit, the world seems perfect. Things of the past and things of the future are of no concern to me. All that matters is right here, right now. It’s as though your mind has separated from your body and all there is is to enjoy. Enjoy the beauty, the peacefulness, the life that surrounds me.
Signs of human life suddenly snap me back into reality. Small children glide by on roller-blades and follow a path that leads into the unknown. A small car whizzes by as though it’s in a hurry to get nowhere. The neighbors walk by quickly, as if they’re missing something important. All these are reminders of how life really is. People don’t get a chance to enjoy the simple things. Life becomes hectic. We get wrapped up in the unimportant things and don’t take time to enjoy the world’s splendor. Yet this place is a reminder of all the beauty there is and when life gets hectic, it beckons me to come, be silent, and just enjoy all it has to offer.

The Power of Words

So I've just been having a rough time of it lately... just with work, the future, the horrible weather. None of them excuses to be in a bad mood and I hate that I've let them all get the best of me, but I'm slowly overcoming that. rough time has brought a lot of insecurities, a lot of questioning about things. It's just one of those situations in which you pray that your abilities and your efforts aren't going unnoticed, even though you feel like they are because you rarely hear anything positive.

Well my prayers were completed answered last night. At the perfect time, when I needed it the most, I was taken aside last night and was given some pretty incredible comments.. completely unnecessary, completely unexpected, but a HUGE confidence booster. I couldn't stop smiling last night just thinking about it. And the best part, is they came from someone who didn't even know my struggles - who barely even knows me.

So what's my point in telling you this story??? Give people compliments. If they've done something to touch your life or have changed you in some way, tell them! Don't let those things go unsaid because your positive comments may change THEIR life. The power of words is incredible. Words are better than any material position someone can get.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I just thought this was great because a friend and I were talking about how socially awkward we are. There IS something good about it :) This was taken from of course... man I want to write for them someday :)

Good Date: Bad Marriage Partner?by Suzanne Hadley on Feb 21, 2008 at 3:00 PM
According to this article on LiveScience, people who are socially awkward may have an edge in long-term relationship success. Research shows that some of the best daters make the worst marriage partners. The reason? Good daters often self-monitor.
Popular people who monitor themselves carefully in social situations and thereby appear to be the most socially appropriate are often highly sought after as romantic partners, a study finds, but these people show less satisfaction and commitment in relationships than socially-awkward people.
Self-monitors have that magical aptitude for fitting into any social group, because they "screen their words and behavior to suit the people around them." While self-monitors are popular and often successful in their jobs, they may flounder in relationships. Northwestern University professor of communication studies Michael E. Roloff, who conducted the study, explains:
"The desire to alter one's personality to appropriately fit a given situation or social climate prevents high self-monitors from presenting their true selves during intimate interactions with their romantic partners," Roloff said. "High self-monitors are very likeable and successful people. However, it appears they’re just not deep."
Let me be honest here. Women flock to the self-monitor. This person appears to be what we're looking for because, well...he's talented at making himself appear to be what we're looking for. Being aware of this may shed some scales from our eyes as we evaluate potential matches.
Conversely, the researchers found that low self-monitors — people who are the least concerned with social appropriateness and are unlikely to mask their feelings or opinions to avoid confrontation or preserve their self-image — are more committed to and more satisfied with their relationships.
Keeping this in mind, don't be excessively dazzled by the talented dater. And don't rule out the guy who's less socially polished -- he may turn out to be the better match.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

So I've been absoultely horrible at being inspirational lately. Guess I'm not feeling very inspirational between the horrible weather, being sick all the time, and being insanely busy.
To make up for some lost time... here's some inspiration. With Valentines Day coming up, I found this and I think it's really great. Makes you think :)

Do you love someone because you were kissed by them? It's not love, it's inferiority complex. Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing and is your voice caught within your chest? It isn't love, it's like.You can't keep your eyes off of them, am I right? It isn't love, it's lust. Do you love someone because you can't live without their touch? It's not love, it's lust.Are you proud and eager to show them off? It isn't love, it's luck. Do you want them because you know they're there? It isn't love, it's loneliness. Do you stay for their confessions of love, because you don't want to hurt them?It isn't love, it's pity. Do you belong to them because their sight makes your heart skip a beat?It isn't love, it's infatuation. Do you think he or she is really gorgeous?It's not love, it's infatuation. Do you pardon their faults because you care about them? It isn't love, it's friendship. Do you share everything with them?It's not love, it's friendship. Do you tell them that they are the only one you think of? It's not love, it's a lie. Are you willing to give all of your favourite things for their sake? It isn't love, it's charity. Would you sacrifice your own life for them?It's not love, it's heroism. If you love someone because you think that you shouldn't leave him because others think that you shouldn't ...It's not love, it's compromise. Do you know you love them because you simply cannot live without them? It's not love, it's dependency. Does your heart ache and break, do you cry for their pain, even when they're strong?Then it's love. Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts? Then it's love. Do you accept their faults because they're a part of who they are? Then it's love. Are you attracted to others, but stay with them faithfully without regret? Then it's love.Would you allow them to leave you, not because they want to but because they have to? Then it's love.Could you live without them, content with knowing that they are happy? Then it is truly love.

And a Bible passage that I really enjoyed reading this past week...

1 Peter 1:13 - 25
"Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'Be holy, becuase I am holy.'
Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you form your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.
Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For 'All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the LORD is good."

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Bucket List

Wow.. it's been forever!! I am going to be better about posting on here.. now that I have the internet it's a tad bit easier.

Anyway... I went to see the Bucket List tonight. SUCH a good movie. Right up my alley... sappy, sad, comical, deep, philisophical, all wrapped up into one. Thought-provoking - made me think about everything I hope to accomplish before I die. Above everything else, I hope that I don't die alone. Recently a woman died at my workplace. As sad as it was, it was more of a heart-wrenching blessing. Her husband of 72 years had died about two months ago. The woman didn't know how to live without him and didn't want to either. She left his earth to be with him in Heaven... exactly how she wanted it. I want that... someone to share my bucket list with and who will be there when I leave this world. God will provide :)

A great quote from the movie b/c we all know how much I love quotes :)

"You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you. "

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

Tonight marks the end of 2007 and the beginning of a new year... another year... a fresh start. So what are my hopes for the new year?? I just hope to grow and become the woman God intended me to be and as I pondered this, I went back and read the speak that was given to us by one of our professors on graduation day. It spoke to my heart on graduation day and probabaly will for the rest of my life... so I wanted to share a portion of it with you.

"You're going to walk out of here this afternoon ith one thing that nobody else has -and that is your true self, your unique personality - you are the only person who has sole custody of your life, your unique potentional, and only you can fight your individual battle to live a real life, to become the most human you can be, to live the joyful, abundant life that Christ has offered to each of us. And my advice to each of you today - and anybody who has had me in class will know what I'm going tos ay - is "get a life." Get a real life, not the articial life, the rat race life, but get a real life..."Each of us needs to discover what makes him or her most joyful, most alive, for this is the true battle of life - to become fully human, and this is the battle we all can win because this is the battle that God wants us to win." As Jesus said, I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly." God wants each of us to find this live, to live deliberately, to live consciously, as sons and daughter of God, and to achieve that joyful, abundant life......
Society, friends, graduate school, and maybe even family sometimes will constantly be pulling you away from the real life to the weatlhy life, the successful life, many the safe life, the life that will make them proud of you, the life our cultures tells you you're supposed to live. And there may be hardly any voices actually applauding you as you cosciously make that effort to become truly humand and open yourself up to every precious moment of every precious day that you live becoming the person God has created you to be. But...if you never truly learn to live in the present moment, never learn to savor the unique flavor of every day of your life (both the painful ones and the joyful ones), if you never really follow the voice of your joy and become that unique person you were created to become, you will miss out on the real life, and you will die having never lived - and living is too precious for that. There is something more sad than being diagnosed with a terminal illness and that is never living - only participating in the shadow our culture tells us is the good life... But this is how I want my resume to read, and I hope whenI come to die it will read this way. ----- I am a friend to my husband and a loving mother, and I have tried never to let my career or my self centeredness stand in the way of my being a good parent, a loving friend, or the human God wants me to become. I no longer consider myself the center of the universe. I have learned to pay attention toe ach moment and to each person who crosses my path. I show up for each day of my life - I really show up for each day of my life, I'm there; I try to listen to its voice and its uniqueness and enter fully into it. I have at times experienced deep joy and deep sorrow, and I have learned to be content in all circumstances realizing that the cup of life which God gives ut ot drink has both sorrow and sweetness in it. I have learned to laugh, to love, to cry, to play. And throughout the day to listen to the still, quiet voice of God, and I genuinely attempt to love God with all my heart, my mind, and my being, and I try to love my neighbor unconditionally. I have learned to treasure every moment I have with each person, to savor each sunrise and each sunset, adn to thoroughly immerse myself in the joy and wonder of living.
And I would urge each of you, unique, wonderful individuals, all of you - get a life. Get a real life, not a manic pursuit of your next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house, the busier life. Do you think those things are going to matter if you get cancer? Do you think those things are going to matter when everything seems to have fallen out of your world? EAch time you look at your diploma, I want you to stop and remember that you are still a student and you always will be a student - still learning how to love God, to love others, to live fully. Always maintain a childlike amazement at and openness to life. Frederick Buechner once wrote that the worst sentence in the world is "I"m just killing time because time is all we have, and it's not time we are killing its our own lives we're killing. NEver get bored with life. Live your life. Live it fully. And remember that this life is the only one you get in this world, and you have no business taking it for granted or wating it in is so easy to exist instead of to live. I hope that I learned to live many years ago and am still learning each day. And I urge you to reasure your friends, your family, the breath of air you inahle every moment. And work at loving others and expressing that love to them. Oky, I want each ofy ou today to do this for me; write a letter to somebody and tell them you appreciate them, kiss your mother or your father or you grandparents, hug your friends. Tell those friends who have touched you how much they have meant to you. Tell that classroom member how much he or she has meant to you. TEll those people who have touched you "thank you". Get a life which you are generous to those around you." ..........
Professor Portfleet
Hope College Graduation 2007