Monday, November 19, 2007

For that I am thankful...

So Thursday is Thanksgiving... the time we get together with family and/or friends and thank God for all of the blessings He's so graciously poured down upon us. I just wanted to take a little time to reflect on things that I'm thankful for this year.

1) Friends. No more needed to be said.
2) A job - two jobs. There are so many people who can't even find one job, especially in Michigan and I am so blessed to not have that problem.
3) My financial status. Though I don't have money for luxuries or a lot of entertainment, I have money to pay for shelter, food, and my necessities. Many people cannot say that.
4) Challenges. This past year has been filled with challenge, after challenge, after challenge, but I praise God for those challenges. It has forced me to grow. To look deep within myself. To pull closer to God.

What are YOU thankful for this year??

And then here are some quotes just to get you to think. Sadly I have no song lyrics today :)

'You won't realize how far you've walked until you stop and realize how far you've been."
- Unknown

"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."
- Dr. Seuss

And now for something COMPLETELY random. I was looking through pictures of me in the past like 3 years. I sure do change my hairstyle a lot :) Change is good though right?? I know... random.. that is me!

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