Monday, November 12, 2007


Ok. Ok. I know I just posted something about singleness like 2 posts ago, but I have to get this off my chest.

I'm single! (Shock, awe, disgust, "What is wrong with you!?") Ok.. those are the responses I get anymore when I say that. Do I ever wish I could change my relationship status on facebook? Of course I do! What 22 year old woman doesn't dream of the day the love of her life will show up and sweep her off her feet. But I am getting exasperated by the continuous conversations that subliminally state that being single is bad, wrong, unexceptable. Who says that!? Who says that at 22, I have to be married or even in a serious relationship for that matter? I am COMPLETELY content in who I am, who I am in Christ, where I am in life. I do NOT need a man to validate me, to make me feel special, to tell me I'm beautiful. My friends are fully capable of satisfying that and I don't even need THEIR validation. Of course it's good to hear those things, to feel those things, but I know. I know without them having to say or do anything. And it took me 22 years to get to that point and you know what, it feels AMAZING.

I long for friendships where this isn't even a topic. Where we can be single and not have to discuss our singleness. Where we don't watch sappy love movies and yearn to be the main, female character. Where we don't talk about who's dating who and how many boyfriends so and so has had. Can't we just be content where we are in life? Can't we just give it over to the LORD and know that HIS timing is true and perfect?

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