Saturday, November 10, 2007

"I wanna set the world on fire until it's burning bright for You. It's everything that I desire. Can I be the one You use? I, I, am small but You, You are big enough. I, I am weak, but You, You are strong enough to take my dreams. Come and give them wings. LORD with You, there's nothing I cannot do. There's nothing I cannot do. I wanna feed the hungry children and reach across the farthest land and tell the broken there is healing and mercy in the Father's hands. I, I am small but You, You are big enough. I, I am weark, but You, You are strong enough to take my dreams. Come and give them wings. LORD with You, there's nothing I cannot do." - Britt Nicole

New love of my life... this song!! It just speaks VOLUMES about how I feel right now. I really want the LORD to use me and I feel like He is. The other day at work, it was 6 in the morning. I had slept 4 hours the day before and now had been up for 14 + hours. Inside all I wanted to do was be home, in my bed. But I knew that I still had my job (and another job to go to) to do. And suddenly I was rejuvenated. I walked into each room on last rounds with a huge smile on my face and enthusiastically greeted each resident. As simple as it sounds, my bright attitude in the morning probably set those people up for a good day. Would YOU want to be woken up by someone who's super grumpy!? No...... So LORD use me.

Another thing on my mind right now... friendships. For those of you who know me well, you know that I don't take my friendships lightly. Reason being, my friends are not just fleeting relationships to me. My friends are my family. THEY are the ones I go to in weakness and in strenght. The ones I want to celebrate with and cry with. I am not sorry that this is the case. God has blessed me time and time again with AMAZING friends. And I was reminded of this once again while at lunch with one of my nearest and dearest. To hear her say how proud she is of me and that she can see how much I've grown, almost brought me to tears.
I'm really evaluating friendships right now... wondering who's going to grow with me and who's going to grow from me. And in that process I've needed a lot of guidance, prayer, and reassurance. Here's something I found that really helped....

And last but not least on my mind.. I am in constant need of a reminder of how beautiful I am. I do not mean that in a vain way. What I mean is God created me. Therefore I am beautiful. I am forgetting that lately as I only wear jeans and scrubs and pajamas, do absolutely nothing to my hair or by means of makeup. But it doesn't matter. It DOES NOT matter. For I am beautiful in God's eyes, no matter what I'm wearing or how I've prepared myself for the day. I do not need my friends, a guy's, or strangers' approval.

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